Thursday, February 3, 2011

The Challenge: Let God Be First!

Although God is the creator of the universe and all power in Heaven and Earth is in His hands, I think its pretty awesome to note that He will never forcefully take the position of being first. Think about that. God has the power to do anything and everything and, even though He requires us to love Him first (Exodus 20:3), He doesn't force the issue. That means that the ability, responsibility, and capability of God being first lies within each one of us.

So what does it mean to let God be first? The dictionary would say the following:

Let: To allow, to permit, to acknowledge, to afford the opportunity.

Be: Exist, be present, to be real, and alive.

First: To be head of, the original, to be before all, in preference to something else, the beginning, foremost.

We need to allow God to be REAL and ALIVE before all else in our lives.

This week was a challenge for me. I started class on Monday and have had homework every night since. I have been up until midnight each night, which is late when you're old (just'll see). And if it were any other week, I would have let God slip down the "priority scale." But I challeged you and I made a committment to you. So I read my Bible each night and prayed for your requests each night. And so far, I feel that God is giving me strength that I shouldn't have this week.

Please don't get me wrong. I have not sailed through with flying colors. Last night, I fell asleep during my prayers and had to splash water on my face to if prayers go unanswered this bad. But all in all, at the midway point of the challenge, I am still trying my best to make sure God is REAL and ALIVE in my life. And I will do well some days and fall on my face others...but I will push on!

Please join me and do the same! Call for encouragement if you are struggling...because some day soon I will need to be encouraged in the same way. And I just may call you.

Keep fighting the good fight, Generations!

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Seek Him First

Hello Generations Family!

Here is a little verse to encourage everyone with their week!

"But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well." - Mathew 6:33
